“Many thanks for your very well established course I have really enjoyed it and it was so informative and since then I have managed to do a full study for 3 of my ITU patients with significant impact in fluid management and understanding the underlying pathology.”
Dr Tarek Metwally, East Kent Hospitals
“I have attended quite a few USG teachings in past and what I found was that there were too many theory lectures and too little practice. Your course was all about the practice and that was very good – small groups of 3 made that easy. Also, interactive scenarios with examples of pathologies were excellent and made participants think about pathophysiology contributing to the problems. I have learned a new bunch of tips and tricks on how to get views and how to make things easier ergonomically – perfect. Compliments to the Director!”
Dr Pavol Palcovic, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine Medway NHS Foundation Trust
“I thoroughly enjoyed both the days. The 4 hours sessions were packed with action and a lot of hands on training. I have attended a few bedside US courses before and this course helped me learn new techniques around getting adequate US images.
Dr Mazhar Alam,
I especially enjoyed the case scenarios stations which demonstrated how the bedside US can help take away the guess work when dealing with acutely unwell patients, greatly improving diagnostic capability.”
Blackpool Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“The course was rather comprehensive and impeccable. I learned many useful techniques from the experts.”
Dr Thaw Tar Hpoo Hpoo Myint Thu, Respiratory Medicine East Surrey Hopital
“It was a wonderfully arranged course.”
Dr Muhammad Mohsin Isar, Registrar Acute Medicine Pilgrim Hospital Boston
“Really amazing course with excellent teachers and facilities in addition to well
Dr Issam Seyala, ST3 Acute Medicine

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