
Complete POCUS Training

Dear Collegue,

Let me please introduce you to our new project, the Complete POCUS Training Program .

After organizing POCUS courses for several years we have come to the conclusion that post-course support is more needed than the actual course.
Statistics are indeed pretty grim.

Just nearly 40% of FICE/FUSIC heart courses attendees get finally accredited and against 100 people attending FAMUS courses during a calendar year only 10 arrive to the end and achieve the accreditation!

These results are due to either the lack of available mentors or accredited supervisors, sometimes of US machines and often of protected time for scanning patients.

We are aware these hurdles impact on motivation too, so here we are with a proposal that will keep your post-course momentum high:

The Complete POCUS Training Program

This program has 5 components, that can be considered as singular options or in combination:

  1. The POCUS introductory course
    One of our well established accredited course, FUSIC heart, FUSC HD, FAMUS and EMUS .
  1. REsUS.
    If you can’t find a Mentor in your Trust we can support you with our program of Remote Supervision, which is already up and running.
    You will be assigned a Mentor who will follow you in your journey.
    There is a fantastic app called Eolas Medical through which clips can be shared and where you can upload your studies for your Mentor to review and get the feed back on.
    We have also been provided with an e-platform called PRESUNA that also allows sharing studies and tracking the progression of the training.
    The third alternative is the Butterfly cloud.
  1. CampUS.
    If you don’t have a Mentor to complete the required number of directly supervised scans, if you want to boost your portfolio of cases or just fine tune your scanning technique then you may consider joining one, or more, of our POCUS Boot Camps.
    These are days of intense scanning on patients under the direct supervision of POCUS experts. Some pathologies will be necessarily simulated (frank pulmonary oedema or hyperdynamic LV in septic patient wouldn’t be available for scanning outside a high intensity ward for obvious reasons) and there where the simulation technique developed during the last 4 years of POCUS courses will play its role.
    You will be able to collect in 2 days a number of cases that a very motivated trainee would probably collect in 6 months.
    Every study will be recorded in your portfolio.
    The first boot camp will take place on the 24th-25th February 2024 (week end).
    A promotional offer of 15% discount on the price list will be applied for the occasion.
  2. ProbUS
    If you don’t have easy access to an US machine in your department we can rent you a Butterfly IQ plus probe. You only have to download the Butterfly App on your smartphone, plug the probe in and start scanning ! The Butterfly Cloud allows to archive your studies on top of sharing them with your Mentor/Supervisor.
  3. Final sign off
    If you are at the end of your journey and you have chosen your Supervisor within our team of accredited Supervisors you can use the boot camp to complete your portfolio and end it with the triggered assessment and the final sign off.

Whether or not you have done a FUSIC, FAMUS or EMUS course with us we want to help you reaching the finish line so get in touch and let’s find the ideal solution for you!

Dr Lorenzo Cristoni
Director POCUS Frimley